A new year and a new decade are coming up in less than 24 hrs…
Men Men Men

Spring shops are happening in full force!! We have had a great start to 2015 adding 4 new male clients to our already strong client base. It seems as though guys are beginning to take notice of fashion and wanting to dress to impress. Of course we have had a good mix of diverse clients, some being in their late twenties and early thirties and others pushing 55 (you would never guess); it’s been really fun creating new looks for all. For a few we started from scratch building the basics of a well rounded wardrobe, with others they just needed a few key outfits. Take a look at a few pictures below from our shops and Closet Evaluation. Stay tuned we have 2 more shops with Men this weekend!!! Happy Easter!!
Alicia Churchill has been image consulting for over 20 years. Highly regarded in her industry, she has helped hundreds of clients dress for success.
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