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How to Survive Black Friday

Well it's that time again Black Friday!! Some stores are already advertising pre blk Friday sales! You may be asking yourself is it really worth braving the crowds to get a deal? In my opinion Heck No! If you are…

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Falling into Fall

It's hard to believe that we are in early November!! With Black Friday and Christmas parties just around the corner we've been very busy getting everyone ready for the cold weather that has just arrived; focusing on sweaters and jackets…

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Well you would never know that we are half way through May!! Which means that we are shopping for dresses, capris, wedges and skirts in full force. We have been working with some of our long time clients getting them…

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Men Men Men

Well we have started 2017 off with a bang !! We have been focusing on our male clients in the past month. For some reason the ladies product in stores took a while to arrive so we booked some male…

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Best Memories of 2016

Wow its hard to believe that 2016 has come to an end, its been a great year!! Its always fun to recap the past 12 months and pick out some of our favorite moments! This year we added quite a…

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Event Shopping

The holidays can often be a very stressful time for many gift shopping , organizing parties and dressing for Events.  Most people have to attend at least 2-3 events plus New Years in the Month of December. Dressing for events…

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The Closet Clean Out

Why is it important to purge your Closet every season? The short answer to avoid stress and anxiety!! We recently did a Closet Clean out with a new client that had been holding on to clothing and shoes from from…

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The Surprise Shop!!

We were asked by a long time client to take his girlfriend shopping as a Birthday gift. The catch, she had no idea she was going shopping all she knew was it was a Birthday adventure and that she may want…

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Spring Summer

Wow time sure does fly. It's hard to believe that in the fashion world we are closing the door on Summer and welcoming in Fall collections. Don't worry deal seekers  there are still a fair amount of deals to be…

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