A new year and a new decade are coming up in less than 24 hrs…
The Best of 2015 – Halfway Through 2016

Gentleman preparing his shoes
Our recap of the past 12 months for 2015, a little late but better late than never. 2015 was a great year for Elite Image, our best year to date in fact. It was hard to chose the best moments to feature in this posting as we had so many fun moments and met so many great new people. Here goes...
Favorite Memory #5:

We started the year off with a photo shoot to update the website. Super fun day it’s always great to play dress up for a few hours.
Favorite Memory #4:

We loved this new client he has the best personality and is so down to earth. We basically built him a new wardrobe from scratch as all he really owned ( what we let him keep) was these 4 shirts shoes and pants. We worked with him 2 times this year to build a functional wardrobe.
Favorite Memory #3:

This new client was a total riot he was newly divorced and re entering the dating scene. We got him all fixed up with a few new outfits in 1 HR. Very rewarding to see the difference in a short time.
Favorite Memory #2:

We absolutely loved these Valentino's. We have a loyal client that has a shoe addiction that these fit in nicely with all her other babies.
Favorite Memory #1:

Our favourite and most rewarding moment of 2015 was dressing this guy!! Is this not the best dressed Harvard Professor that you have ever seen??
Alicia Churchill has been image consulting for over 20 years. Highly regarded in her industry, she has helped hundreds of clients dress for success.
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